Saturday, March 15, 2008

Public Meeting on Commons / Port Development

The public meeting to discuss development at the Port of Excelsior is scheduled for April 16, from 7pm - 10pm at Excelsior Elementary School. The venue was secured because of the expected high public turnout. The city requests that any resident wishing to make a presentation contact them in advance so they can plan the time effectively.

1 comment:

  1. I've done some checking on your former posted question about the stormwater pond that was rumored would be needed to retain runoff from the building. Turns out there would NOT have to be a big pond located in the commons, or a retention pond next to the building or in the Commons or above ground at all. Reason is, there is already stormwater conveyance structures underneath Lake Street adjacent to the proposal, and runoff from the building's hard cover could be directed into the existing system. But do Excelsior residents realize that all of the stormwater from their yards and streets ultimately gets discharged directly to the lake anyway, without any treatment or settlement? We need to be thinking about rain gardens everywhere if we're genuinely concerned about stormwater entering the lake, and not just raise it as a issue for a particular development alone, such the Port Development proposal.
